2022 Summer Meeting in Berea
The 2022 Summer Meeting held in Berea was a great success! Thanks to the Madison County Democratic Woman's Club for sponsoring the sold-out event. A social gathering on Friday evening with appetizers, a cash bar, and music started the weekend. On Saturday morning, a buffet breakfast was followed by the main event at 9:00 am. Speakers included Governor Andy Beshear (and the family dog Winnie), Coleman Eldridge (KDP Chair), Attica Scott (KY State Representative), Charles Booker (US Senate candidate), Cassie Chambers-Armstrong (Louisville Metro Council and author), Hank Linderman (KDP Rural Council Chair), Anna Steward Whites (attorney), Blair Haydon (Emerge KY), Chris Hartman (Fairness Campaign) and Nisia Thornton (KDP LGBTQ Chair). The 2021 Scholarship winner, Riley Gilliam, also spoke as did our esteemed president, JoAnne Wheeler Bland. A business meeting followed the speakers.